The Bay

The waves rolling in, the vast open sea, and the peaceful shores bring a sense of calm. Whether it's the soothing sound of waves or the endless view of the ocean meeting the sky, being by the coast helps us feel relaxed, offering a break from our busy lives.

A minimalist room with a black and white image on the wall of the san francisco bay.

“The Pacific Ocean is a poem in motion.”

Lavender Haze

This photograph was taken on the San Francisco coastline. It was shot on Kodak Porta 800. I love how the horizon line blends with the sky. This image reminds me that our possibilities are endless. 

The Rock

A client showed me this when we were taking pictures, and it's stayed with me forever. It reminds me that I can look at things differently if I take the time and have an open mind. 

The Cliff House

The things this building has seen. The storms, the parties, the fires, and the earthquakes. The building reminds me of the timeless beauty architecture brings to life. 


A little gem at the top of a hill in San Francisco is open and vast. It is in the heart of the city. I would love to go there and feel small. It's soothing to know the world is so big and bustling with activity, and I can sit and watch it all.